新生宗教课程通过对学生的介绍,反映了天主教教理的内容, 无论是认知上还是情感上, to the most important themes of the Judeo-Christian religious tradition: (a) understanding our personal identity in response to God’s call to a personal relationship with Him and with our neighbor; (b) our Faith which finds its basis in God’s Revelation and its goal in our Covenant friendship with all persons of good-will; (c) the unique reality of Jesus’ humanity and divinity, 尤其是当他通过自己的生命带给我们生命的时候, death, resurrection and ascension; (d) our vocation to be sharers in the great community of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit; (e) the role of Scripture as the inspired Word of God, and the role of Tradition in handing on a living Faith to us in our own times; (f) the sacredness of our own lives which is brought to greater fullness in the Sacramental life of the Church, especially in the celebration of Eucharist; (g) the awareness that the sacredness of our own identity is also a call to living a moral life that is sustained by prayer and a commitment to a personal spirituality. 在校园部的协助下,学生将在每个评分期间有服务要求. 大一的课程主要和完整地介绍了四年宗教教育课程的主要主题.
大二的时候, 学生更充分地投入到犹太教和基督教传统的经文中. 神圣的启示被认为是这项研究的基础, 而认识上帝的渴望和对上帝的真正认识都是通过恩典来理解的. 主要的重点在于耶稣的位格和教导:道成肉身, Redemption, 和逾越的奥秘. 耶稣基督自己的奇迹和奥秘, 真神和真人, 贯穿了我们人类的历史,构成了我们救赎的历史. 我们对耶稣的研究植根于希伯来圣经和基督教圣经. Thus, Creation, 人类罪恶的故事, 出埃及记的经历, 先知的挑战, 而《体育博彩平台》的祷告则与这段在圣灵大能中持续的救赎历史密切相关, 是谁让我们在研读福音书时对耶稣有了更生动的认识, 以及我们在圣事庆典中与祂的相遇. 与此相结合,并补充了新生课程中引入的反思元素, 并再次得到校园部的协助, 学生将有机会在以下方面更亲自参与:(a)在呼召和委托方面对福音的理解,这涉及到学生祈祷和回忆的精神, as it challenges him or her to seek after that Call to his or her life and find opportunities to live that Call; (b) to understand that the Gospel Message and the Mission of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools which involves a concern for the poor and a response by projects of service; (c) an understanding that students are writing their own life parables, 当他们在现代生活和生活的背景下看到圣经的信息. 在校园部的协助下,学生将在每个评分期间有服务要求. 二年级的课程为学生准备初级宗教,将耶稣的信息应用于教会的使命和教学,这些使命和教学随着他的生活而发展,并持续到今天. 二年级的研究论文是课程要求.